Musical Dreams

Imagine being 13-years old. Do you remember how life was then? I barely do. I remember being shy and very self-conscious. Back to imagining…imagine getting on stage with the lights on you and many of your friends and family in the audience. Imagine playing the guitar and piano AND singing your original songs for an hour. Imagine doing all this at the age of 13.  It gives me butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it.

Last week, I attended Anna Cutler’s first official music gig. You guessed it, Anna is 13-years old.

Chills ran down my arms and legs as I watched and listened to Anna sing and play with both confidence and nerves. Her performance reminded me it is important to take risks and not be afraid to try new things. If you don’t, life can pass you by and you might miss out on living your dreams. Nice work Anna, you are destined for great things.

coffee shop stand up sign13-year old musiciam signing and playing guitar13-year old musician singing and playing piano13-year old musician singing and playing piano13-year old musician singing and playing guitar

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